Pastor Mickey Smith
Mickey attended West Princeton Baptist Church under her grandfather and Pastor, Rev. Carl Covington, until she graduated from Fairfield High School in May 1990. On August 1, 1993, she rededicated her life to Christ. In 1996, she accepted her appointment to the Sunday School teaching ministry and Choir. On December 31, 2001, she was ordained as an Elder under Apostle Dr. Charles A. Daniels and now serves along with her husband, mentor, and best friend, Presiding Bishop & Senior Pastor Willie J. Smith Jr. of New Beginnings Christian Center (NBCC), Jacksonville North Carolina. Added to their 30 years of marriage is their remarkable son, Dawnoven, his wife Emiley, and their 1 yr-old son, Dawnoven Jr., aka Mr. Smith.
Her services include:
• Director, New Beginnings International Ministries (NBIM) Worship Team
• Member, NBIM Prophetic Presbytery
• Operations Pastor, NBCC Jacksonville, NC
• Founder of A Lady’s Touch Women’s Ministry
• Founder, 3M Marriage Ministry Moments
• Founder, 3P Prophetic People Prophesying & NBCC COPs Company Of Prophets
• Board Member, Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc.
• Board Member, A Better Me Empowerment, Inc.
• Local & International Platform Speaker & Host
• Business Owner/Operator of A Lady’s Touch By Mickey, LLC
• Chaplain, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Mu Lambda Zeta Chapter
• Member, NAACP, Onslow County Chapter
Mickey's secondary education includes a Master of Arts Degree in Theological Studies from Liberty University, a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling from Justice Fellowship College, and two Honorary Doctorates in Divinity and Sacred Music. Pastor Mickey Smith has resumed her studies at Liberty University, actively pursuing her Doctor of Divinity Degree in Theology and Apologetics. She is currently a retired veteran, U. S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, where she has served faithfully for 20 years. After a highly decorated military career, she has dedicated her time to ministry and servanthood within her local city and surrounding counties