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WARM's Executive Director Wins Leaders in Service Award


Several WARM staff members attended to celebrate and support Lyle at the award ceremony.

The Wilmington Rotary Club announced the very first Leaders in Service Awards and WARM’s Executive Director, JC Lyle, became one of the first honorees. The awards recognize the top executives of enterprises in three categories, who have helped their organizations contribute to improving our community and the world.

On May 5, 2022, Lyle was recognized during the awards ceremony as a Leader in Service in the non-profit category, along with Dr. Yousry Sayed, CEO of Quality Chemical Laboratories, in the private-sector category, and Chris Coudriet, New Hanover County Manager, in the government category.

Nominees had to meet the following criteria:

  • They must have held the top executive position in their organization for five years or more.

  • They must have made outstanding contributions to the community in one or more of the Rotary areas of focus.

  • They must have led a life and business governed by the Rotary Four-Way Test.

  • They must have demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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