Linda has lived in Wilmington for 70 years and graduated from historic Williston High School in 1967. She attended Cape Fear Community College while working full-time and raising two children, getting her degree and working in childcare.
“Working with kids with autism, that was my inspiration,” Linda said. “They helped me more than I helped them.”
She bought her forever home in 2004. One day she came home to discover the ceiling in her bedroom had collapsed. Her daughter helped her tarp the damaged ceiling, but she couldn’t get it repaired right away.
“When nighttime came I just dreaded going into that room,” she said. “I dreaded going into that room to the point that I’ll go in the other room. I even closed the bedroom door to keep from looking at it.”
Linda started saving money from her pension and social security to get the repairs made. But she could only put a little away at a time. The ceiling remained that way through the winter months. By then it was too cold to sleep in the bedroom due to the damage so Linda slept in another room.
A friend told her about WARM NC so she walked down to the office and filled out an application.
“When WARM came they went above my expectations. They talked with me as a person. They listened to me,” Linda said. Her home is safe again so she now wants to give back and become a volunteer to help other homeowners.