Southeastern North Carolina may be going through what we like to call "false spring" right now, but the real thing is just around the corner. The days feel warmer, the flowers begin to bloom, and everything feels fresh and new. It's also a prompt for some of us to freshen up our homes with a bit of spring cleaning and tackle some home maintenance.
Spring is a great time to check your home for any damage and assess what repairs might need to be made. Here are 5 tips to help you along:
1. Inspect doors and windows. Check your screens for any tears and check the seals on doors and windows for any that might be cracked or loose.
2. Roof. Schedule a roof inspection with a professional who can look for cracked or loose shingles and missing or damaged flashing.
3. Check your attic. Make sure the attic has proper ventilation and look for signs of critters that might be making their home up there.
4. Gutters and downspouts. Before those "April showers" you'll want to make sure your gutters are free of debris that could clog the flow of water into the proper channel.
5. Air conditioning. Finding out your A/C is not working in the heat of summer is no fun. Schedule an inspection and tune up with a licensed professional before you have to use it.
